Business Analysis

Module 1. Introduction to Business Analysis
Module 2. Understanding and Capturing business needs
Module 3. Requirement Analysis Process
Module 4. Requirement Gathering, Analysis and BRD creation
Module 5. Wireframe/Prototype/Mockup
Module 6. Creating Effective Use Cases
Module 7. UML Methodology
Module 8. Business Analysis Tools
Module 9. Requirement Gathering and Elicitation for a project in SCRUM
Module 10. Project Documentation and Management
Module 11. Software Testing
Module 12. Database Concepts and SQL Overview
Module 13. Guidance on Resume Preparation and Mock Interview

Topics Covered

Introduction to Business Analysis

• Introduction to Business Analysis
• Business Composition and Architecture
• Roles and Responsibilities of a Business Analyst
• Need for a Business Analyst
• Project Team
• Importance of a Business Analyst in the Project Team
• BA Jargons

Understanding and Capturing Business Needs

• Setting up priorities
• Feasibility studies
• Project scope
• Business case
• Risk assessment
• Evaluating and selecting
• Setting up future vision

SDLC and SDLC Methodologies

• Waterfall Model
• Prototype
• Spiral
• V-Model
• Agile

Requirement Analysis Process

• Identify Key Stakeholders
• Gather Stakeholder requirements
• Categorize Requirements
• Interpret and Record Requirements
• Signoff

Introduction to Business Analysis

• Introduction to Business Analysis
• Business Composition and Architecture
• Roles and Responsibilities of a Business Analyst
• Need for a Business Analyst
• Project Team
• Importance of a Business Analyst in the Project Team
• BA Jargons


• Brainstorming
• Focus Group Interviews
• Questionnaire(Survey)
• Observation(Client and Client Customer)
• Use Cases
• Studying the existing documents
• Prototyping

Requirement Gathering and Analysis, BRD Creation

• Process flows- AS IS TO BE / Swimlanes
• Introduction to BRD
• FSD discussion, functional vs non-functional requirements with sample
• Elements of BRD discussion
• How to document requirements (Intro to BRD)

Wireframes/Prototypes/Mockup Screen

• Prototyping Tool Introduction
• Creating Screen flows

Creating Effective Use Cases

• Understanding Use Cases
• Use Case Relationships
• Use Case Brainstorming
• Creating Use cases from Requirements
• Creating Use Case Narratives
• Change Management & Version Control Concept

UML Methodology

• Activity Diagrams
• Use Case Diagrams
• Communication Diagrams
• Interaction Diagrams
• Collaboration Diagrams
• Class Diagrams
• Sequence Diagrams

Project Documentation and Management

• Business Requirement Document
• High Level Requirements Document
• Low Level Requirements Document
• Software Requirements Specification Document
• Change Request Document
• Requirement Traceability Matrix
• Effort Estimations
• Minutes Of Meeting
• Proof Of Concept
• Request For Proposal
• Use Case Document

Requirement Gathering and Elicitation for a project in SCRUM

• Detailed discussion on Agile, Scrum, Sprint
• Detailed Discussion on Scrum Team, SCRUM Master, Product Owner responsibilities
• Story Boarding, SCRUM Planning, Sprint Planning, Story Grooming
• All the three elements of Scrum: Roles ,Artifacts and Meeting
• Writing User Stories, Themes, Epics, Tasks and Acceptance Criteria
• Burndown chart and Velocity

Software Testing

• Introduction to QA Methodology
• Role of BA in Testing
• Creating Test Plans
• Creating Test Cases
• Different Testing Methods
• Functional and Regression testing
• White Box and Black Box Testing
• Positive and Negative Testing
• GUI and Unit Testing
• User Acceptance Testing

Database Concepts and SQL Overview

• Basics of Database
• Basic SQL Commands for Analysis
• Joins and Groups

Guidance on Resume Preparation and Mock Interview

• Resume Preparation Guidelines and Tips
• Mock Interviews and Interview Preparation Tips