Designed for:
Anyone who wants to learn Python from the scratch. Any student who wants to learn python in depth.
Developers who are getting started in Programming language.
Experienced professionals who want to fill in any gaps in their knowledge.
What you will get additionally on top this Syllabus
Python – Tricks and hacks
Python – Interview Questions and Answers Python – shortcuts and tricky solutions Python mock tests
Assignments and mini- projects
CORE & ADVANCE PYTHON (Total Duration-50 hrs)
Core PYTHON - 20 hours
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Python
- What can Python do?
- Why Python?
- Good to know
- Python Syntax compared to other programming languages
- Python Install
Chapter 2: Beginning Python Basics
- The Print Statement
- Comments
- Python Data Structures & Data Types
- String Operations in Python
- Simple Input & Output
- Simple Output Formatting
- Operators in python
Chapter 3: Data Structures
- List, List Functions, Nested lists
- String , String functions
- Dictionary and Nest dictionaries
- Range data structure
- Iterating data structure using loops
Chapter 4: Python Program Flow
- Indentation
- The If statement and its’ related statement
- An example with if and it’s related statement
- The while loop
- The for loop
- The range statement
- Break &Continue
Chapter 5: Functions& Modules
- Create your own functions
- Functions Parameters
- Variable Arguments
- Scope of a Function
- Default Parameters & Variable Arguments
- Lambda Functions& map
- An Exercise with functions
- Create a Module & Standard Modules
Chapter 6: Exceptions Handling
- What are different types of Errors( Syntax, Runtime, Semantic Errors)
- What is the importance of Exception handling
- Exception handling with try
- Handling Multiple Exceptions
- Built-in Exceptions
- Writing your own Exception
Chapter 7: File Handling
- File handling Modes
- Reading Files
- Writing& Appending to Files
- Handling File Exceptions
- The with statement
Chapter 8: OOPs (Object Orientated Programing)
- Procedural v/s Object oriented programming
- Principles of OOP – Encapsulation , Abstraction (Data Hiding)
- Classes and Objects
- How to define class in python
- Types of variables – instance variables, class variables.
- Types of methods – instance methods, class method, static method
- Object initialization
- ‘self’ reference variable
- ‘cls’ reference variable
- Access modifiers – private( ) , protected(_), public
- Encapsulation(Data Binding)
- What is polymorphism?
- Overriding
- Overloading
i) Method Overloading
ii) Constructor Overloading
Chapter 9: File &Directory handling
- Introduction to files
- Opening file
- File modes
- Reading data from file
- Writing data into file
- Appending data into file
- CSV module
- Creating CSV file
- Reading from CSV file
- Writing into CSV file
- XML parsing & JSON parsing
Chapter 10: Regular expressions
- Understanding regular expressions
- String v/s Regular expression string
- “re” module functions
- Match() Search() Split() Findall()
- Expressions using operators and symbols
- Simple character matches
- Special characters & Character classes
- Mobile number extraction & Mail extraction
Chapter 11: Multi-threading & Multi Processing
- Introduction
- Multi tasking v/s Multi threading
- Threading module
- Creating thread – inheriting Thread class , Using callable object
- Life cycle of thread
- Single threaded application
- Multi threaded application
- Sleep() & Join()
Chapter 12: Python Data Base Communications (PDBC)
- Introduction to DBMS applications
- File system v/s DBMS
- Communicating with MySQL
- Python – MySQL connector
- connector module
- connect() method
- Oracle Database Install cx_Oracle
- Cursor Object methods
- execute() method
- executeMany() method
- fetchone() fetchmany() fetchall()
- Reading record sets into pandas dataFrames
Chapter 13: PANDAS
- DataFrame
- Create DataFrame
- Create an Empty DataFrame
- Create a DataFrame from Lists
- Create a DataFrame from Dict of ndarrays / Lists
- Create a DataFrame from List of Dicts
- Create a DataFrame from Dict of Series
- Column Selection , Column Addition , Column Deletion
- Row Selection, Addition, and Deletion
- Aggregation and Group by Joining 2 Dataframes ( inner, left, outfer & full)
Chapter 14: NUMPY
- Numpy Attributes Shape , ndim & itemsize
- Numpy array Creation Empty , zeros , ones , full , randoam ,eye, linspace
- NUMPY Athematic operations
Chapter 15: Date & Time module
- How to use Date & Date Time class
- How to use Time Delta object
- Formatting Date and Time